Brookside church
The Brookside drop represents the individuality of each person within the community, surrounded by the Trinity.
We are often concerned with wanting to find community, but not lose our individuality.
At Brookside, you can come as you are, find your place, and be renewed.
While the drops together create a strong and supportive community, the focus is on the individual relationship you have with Jesus. The 3 pieces surrounding the drop is representative of the Trinity. The drop is representative of the community member.
About Statement
Brookside Church—where you can come as you are, find your place, and be renewed.
Built around Brookside’s mission of, “Helping people find and follow Jesus”…
It starts with where you’re at right now. Not yesterday, but today.
It doesn’t matter where you’ve been…it matters that you’re here now.
The various amounts of activities and ministries within Brookside allow us all to find our place to fit in and find community.
Ultimately leading us to a deeper connection with Jesus to become renewed.
Brand Attributes
Maintain a consistent and recognizable identity by aligning your brand with these three attributes.
Organic » Inviting » Creative
For every decision made about the brand, ask yourself:
1. Is it creative - a unique approach for the young and young-at-heart?
2. Is the tone inviting - where you can come as you are?
3. Is it organic - a raw and authentic approach?
Brookside Logo Files
Always use either blue or gray version of logo to represent Brookside Church as a whole.
Logo color may be changed when being used for ministries within the church.
Logo Don'ts
Brook blue
CMYK: 94 58 30 10
HEX: #016084
CMYK: 94 64 53 45
HEX: #063b47
CMYK: 66 59 55 36
HEX: #4d4d4f
Any color within this spectrum may be used for various internal departments.
Download the spectrum here and use the eyedropper tool to sample any color within it.
Original Secondary Palette
Overall, any color that is a little more muted.
Rather than any color, this will help create a consistency for when the general public sees any ministries, it helps become more recognizable by color tone.
Custom Requests
If you have a custom request or need help with brand elements, we're happy to help.
Send requests to