children's hospital + Medical center gala 2017
Brand Attributes
Maintain a consistent and recognizable identity by aligning your brand with these three attributes.
Consistency » Recognizability » Trust
For every decision made about the brand, ask yourself:
- Is it celebratory?
- Is it inspiring?
- Is it innovative?
Logo Files
emerald child
PANTONE: 7728 C, 336 U
CMYK C: 93 0 75 55
CMYK U: 97 8 68 30
HEX: #115440
Supporting white
PANTONE: True White
CMYK C: 0 0 0 0
CMYK U: 0 0 0 0
HEX: #ffffff
innovative bronze
PANTONE: 7559 C, 132 U
CMYK C: 14 39 95 46
CMYK U: 8 27 97 23
HEX: #877156
Custom Requests
If you have a custom request or need help with Children's Hospital + Medical Center Gala 2017 brand elements,
we're happy to help. Send requests to info@SecretPenguin.