inCOMMon unmasked gala




Bam! Blue

PANTONE: 545 C, 545 U
CMYK C: 21  2  0  1
CMYK U: 26  3  4  0
HEX: #d1ddeb

Slap! black

PANTONE: Black C, Black U
CMYK C: 63  62  59  94
CMYK U: 57  53  65  20
HEX: #2d2c2c

pow! cream

PANTONE: 7499 80% C, 7499 90% U
CMYK C: 1  2  24  0
CMYK U: 1  2  20  0
HEX: #f9f2e2

splash! red

PANTONE: 2031 C, 7625 U
CMYK C: 4  71  54  0
CMYK U: 0  59  56  0
HEX: #f16052


wham! yellow

PANTONE: 142 C, 121 U
CMYK C: 0  24  78  0
CMYK U: 0  15  76  0
HEX: #f8ba19

boooM! Navy

PANTONE: 7545 C, 547 U
CMYK C: 58  32  18  54
CMYK U: 97  42  36  43
HEX: #3e4b5c


Custom Requests

If you have a custom request or need help with inCOMMON Unmasked Gala brand elements,
we're happy to help. Send requests to info@SecretPenguin