the capitol district apartments


Brand Guidelines


Brand Attributes

Maintain a consistent and recognizable identity by aligning your brand with these three attributes. 
Consistency  »  Recognizability  »  Trust




For every decision made about the brand, ask yourself:

  1. Is it modern?

  2. Is it welcoming?

  3. Is it focused on a good experience?


Logo Files

Only use when vertical lock-up is needed in layout.

The script logo lock-up speaks towards the youthful Millennial demographic of the current Apartment residents. Script reinforces the experience scribbles found in The Capitol District branding.


Be sure to read Brand Guidelines for specific logo usage. 


The capitol district apartments

Always include "The" before Capitol District. The Capitol District Apartments or #TheCapitolDistrictApartments


Capitol is spelt with an "o" not an "a". Capitol Ave with an "o" is the street name that runs along the south side of The Capitol District.



Visit Typekit to download Din Condensed Light.



Utilitarian gray

PANTONE: 424 C, 2332 U
CMYK C: 0  28  98  11
CMYK U: 2  0  0  57
HEX: #6a6a6a


fresh white

CMYK: 0  0  0  0
HEX: #ffffff



PANTONE: 7555 C, 7555 U
CMYK C: 0  28  98  11
CMYK U: 0  22  80  9
HEX: #c8932c


Color Photography

Photography used throughout should have a clean and elevated composition which focuses on the thoughtfully-designed and luxurious rental units. The composition of the photo will need to remain elevated, clean and consistent with other photography of The Capitol District. No filters should be used and colors need to be a true visual representation.


Illustrations and Background

Scribbles should be used when possible to highlight the experience, which relates back to The Capitol District branding.

Unlike the black background for The Capitol District, white backgrounds will be used for the Apartments to suggest cleanliness and new. Social media icons will reflect this.

DO: Scribbles to illustrate the experience.    |    DON'T: Wrap scribbles around necks.


Ad Examples

Having the call-to-action and Apartments in brass makes a direct correlation. The charcoal gray text resembles the appliances and industrial, urban style of the apartments.


Send for Review Prior to Publication

Shamrock Development

If you are creating content, an ad, etc. for The Capitol District Apartments, please send it to SecretPenguin prior to publication. Thank you! 


Custom Requests

If you have a custom request or need help with The Capitol District Apartments brand elements,
we're happy to help. Send requests to info@SecretPenguin